Thursday, February 4, 2010


      After the last few days, I could swear spring was coming.  But I'm trying to hold my excitement in check. However, I am starting my spring line.  We have a lot of fun new things coming this year. 

      Skirts, are first on my list.  I've been playing with all  my fabric and have some adorable skirts that should be available the end of April.  I have so many new flower designs and headbands that are going to be highlighted this year.  While I'll keep the flowers like I've had, I'm going to be focusing more on original designs with a variety of materials.  You'll just have to come take a look.

      Spring squeaky shoe sandals should be here by the middle of March.  I am not planning on having a spring show until the middle to end of April, so if you need them earlier, like for Easter, let me know and we can arrange you a sneak preview.